We'd love to highlight some customers who have enjoyed our products through the years. We'd love to hear your story too!
JUARA Rice Facial Cleanser
"Makes me skin feel super clean but not tight or dehydrated!"- Trae Bodge, Smart Shopper, Lifestyle Journalist.
"Pertama kali jatuh cinta sama produk juara, yes this is "rice cleanser"!
Superr love it.. wanginya tu enak banget, bikin relax, ga bikin kulit kering..muka jd bersih, terus berasa kenyal gitu kulitnya, terus finishnya muka aq keliatan glowing >..<"- Esterimoet89.
JUARA Tamarind Tea Hydrating Toner
"I searched a long time for a toner with safe and minimal ingredients and was happy when I found Juara but I wasn’t sure if the toner would be any good. I love it, it’s hydrating and my skin has improved since using it." - Nyssa.
"I love this toner because it makes my skin really supple and hydrated" - Laura K.
"Tonernya so light, cepat meresap ke kulit dan sngat bagus buat menghidrasi, sungguh aku ketagihan pakai ini!"- Elvani. Sbt.
JUARA Radiance Enzyme Scrub
"To my surprise, my pores shrank to zip. Zero. Tight. I have slightly noticeable pores around my nose and on my inner cheeks . . .there is a huge debate that once pores open, if they can ever can close again? All I know is I can only shrink mine and it’s not easy!I haven’t seen anything that works this fast and effective. I do this scrub 3 times a week and I love it."- Drew Barrymore IG Beauty Junkie Series (May 2018).
"Aku suka banget tiap make scrub juara ini…Tekstur scrubnya yg halus bener bener bikin nyaman dan gak bikin sakit pas diaplikasiin..Hasil setelah pake juga kerasa lebih bersih dan cerah di muka.." - Lestaric273.
JUARA Turmeric Antioxidant Radiance Mask
"It's made a huge difference to my skin... it gives me that glow that I'm looking for, and gives me confidence." - Nitika Chopra, Talk Show Host.
"Coba masker ini karena diracun sama mba spg pas tau kalo ini bisa menghilangkan bekas jerawat langsung pengen nyoba, karena tangan aku iseng banget suka kopekin jerawat makanya ada bekas di wajah, aku nyoba ini baru seminggu tapi udah berasa banget, noda jerawat memudar, kan harusnya seminggu 2-3 kali ya, tapi aku pengennya biar lebih cepet ilang bekasnya aku pakai setiap hari abis pulang kerja , so far gak ada masalah emang awal pemakaian agak cekit cekit gitu diwajah karena reaksi kerjannya untuk aktioksidant secara seharian wajah ini kena debu dan asap, tapi setelah beberapa menit juga udah gak cekit cekit dan aku pakai setiap hari juga gak bikin kulit aku yang sensitif ini jadi merah" -Fannyoktavian44.
Quality Guarantee
JUARA products use the highest quality, rigorously selected raw materials that are then custom formulated to restore and enhance the skin’s natural balance with visible results. Formulated to be gentle to treat even the most sensitive skin, JUARA products do not contain harsh ingredients, artificial colorants, or animal by-products. We focus on using time-honored active botanicals, which are also tested to be safe and effective. With a balanced pH, all our products are dermatologist tested.

No Animal Testing – Certified Cruelty Free
JUARA is certified by PETA (People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals) to be cruelty free. This means that we not only promise that our products are not tested on animals, but we also ensure that none of our ingredient suppliers test on animals.
JUARA is Vegetarian and Free From
Delivery Guaranteed
We ensures that product delivery is performed smoothly and product return can be completed hassle-free.